On Wednesday, December 20th, Ms. Drmacich and Ms. Rubin took 45 students to see a play on Broadway. Appropriate, is written by American playwright Branden Jacobs-Jenkins and stars Sarah Paulson, Corey Stoll and Elle Fanning. Some students had never been to a play on Broadway and were so excited to have a chance to experience this. Thank you to all the admin who helped make this trip possible!
10 months ago, AP Winchester
Appropriate Field Trip
set of Appropriate
Playbill for Appropriate
On December 20th, AP Haraguchi-Combs & Winchester took the Japanese Club (日本語部)on a field trip to The Japan Society, where we learned to create ukiyo-e (浮世絵) wood block print art; a famous example of this is Katsushika Hokusai's "The Great Wave off Kanagawa" (北斎葛飾-神奈川沖浪裏) which was created by stamping a serious of carved woodblocks, one for each color found in the image. After the workshop, our students experienced a cultural dinner at Japanese BBQ restaurant Gyu-Kaku, where they BBQ'd at their tables which had grills built into them.
10 months ago, AP Haraguchi-Combs (ELA & S.S)
Japan society
Master Chef Wasabi Masaki
ukiyoe printing
Japan Society
Hokusai’s “The Great Wave Off Kanagawa"
Japan Society
Join us for our December Town Hall tonight at 5:30pm Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/99505275425?pwd=VC9HdFdrd2FyZk81dW9LaEtPN2NXdz09 Meeting ID: 995 0527 5425 Passcode: 121388
10 months ago, AP Winchester
First Annual Holiday Market was a smash success and a fun time was had by all. Thanks for supporting our clubs!
10 months ago, AP Winchester
Animal Care
Book Club
Love for Leo/Book Haven
Making Cookies!
Thank you to all who donated toys for our Toy Drive to benefit Community Schools District 4! Although we only collected for a short time, the impact on the community will be felt for a long time.
10 months ago, AP Winchester
Items from Toy Drive
Math & Science teachers hard at work during our department meeting yesterday!
10 months ago, AP Albritton, Science & Math
PD time!
Ms. Drmacich's NYC History class went on a field trip to the Lower East Side on Friday December 15th. Students had a chance to try different foods and walked lots! Students completed projects about different immigrant groups who settled in the LES in early 1900s prior to the trip. The field trip started at Taiyaki where students had ice cream in fish shaped waffle cones. The next stop was Russ & Daughters where students tried babka, bagels and lox. The field trip ended at the Pickle Guys where students tried different flavored pickles - fill, half-sour, horseradish.
10 months ago, AP Haraguchi-Combs (ELA & S.S)
walking tour
walking tour
walking tour
walking tour
walking tour
The halls have been Holiday-ed and we are almost ready for a schoolwide vote! Here is Mr. Valletutti's French Class's room, 115. There are many more to look at so start thinking of your favorites!
10 months ago, AP Winchester
room 115 holiday door
MCSM PA meeting December 12, 2023 @ 6pm in the library was inspirational and motivational. Please view the recording and slides on reliance strategies for families by Rachel Handler with an access link on Jupiter.
10 months ago, Zaida Santiago MCSM Parents
MCSM PA December 12, 2023
On December 8th, Ms. Drmacich's Government classes had the opportunity to have a special class speaker via Zoom, Ed Lopez-Soto. Mr. Lopez is professor at Cornell Law School and Chief Counsel for the Rochester City School District. Lopez grew up in East Harlem and attended Cornell University. As a young law student, Lopez was hired in 1976 by the House Select Committe on Assassinations to reinvestigate the 1963 murder of President John F. Kennedy. Students created questions that were sent to Mr. Lopez before the discussion. Lopez shared his experiences of traveling to Cuba to interview Fidel Castro, traveling to Mexico City, interviewing mobsters and digging through top secret documents of the CIA. Lopez was responsible for writing the Lopez Report for the Commitee . The House Select Commitee concluded "on the basis of the evidence available to it, that President Kennedy was probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy."
10 months ago, AP Haraguchi-Combs (ELA & S.S)
Edwin Lopez-Soto on Zoom
Class on zoom with Edwin Lopez-Soto
Edwin Lopez-Soto on Zoom
Our guest speaker and students hard at work during our Hour of Code!
11 months ago, AP Albritton, Science & Math
Hour of Code
Hour of Code
Guest Speaker
For Energy Climate Action Day, Ms. Richter and Ms. Wolf's Earth Science class went to the roof to learn about renewable energy and experiment with solar panels. Our class now understands how solar panels work!
11 months ago, AP Winchester
Learning about renewable energy
A fun and fabulous Spirit Week came to an end yesterday with Disney Day (aka Character Day) here at MCSM! Students and staff alike showed their School Spirit every day of the week. Looking forward to the next one! Thanks to all who participated.
11 months ago, AP Winchester
Group MCSM Disney Photo
MCSM Disney Day
MCSM is seeing DOUBLE today for Twin Day! So much fun...MCTV and the yearbook will have more pictures but here are just a few....
11 months ago, AP Winchester
twin day
Mr. Cohen and His Twin
We Heart Twin Day
2 sets of twins
The Bilingual Club hopes everyone enjoyed the Thanksgiving break with their loved ones. Here are some pictures of our annual Bilingual Club Thanksgiving Potluck, which happened Nov. 22, 2023 after school! The Bilingual Club meets every Wednesday in room 301.
11 months ago, MCSM Bilinguals
From our MCSM Administration Family to yours, HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all our wonderful students, parents, and staff. We are so thankful for ALL OF YOU!
11 months ago, AP Winchester
MCSM Admin Team and Superintendent Beidleman
Mr. Deutsch set up our telescope for students and Sir Sterling. Last night the moon, Jupiter & Saturn were visible!
11 months ago, AP Albritton, Science & Math
GET READY FOR SPIRIT WEEK, IT'S COMING UP!! Monday, November 27th: Class Colors - Freshmen: Purple Sophomores: Blue Juniors: Green Seniors: Black and/or Pink Tuesday, November 28th: Twin Day Wednesday, November 29th: Decades Day Thursday, November 30th: Pajama Day **Get ready to get comfy here at school. Please be advised that lingerie and/or inappropriate, revealing attire will not be acceptable and the student will be given clothes to wear from administration if it is deemed unacceptable . Friday, December 1st: Disney Day/Character Day **Come as your favorite Disney Princess, Villain, or Character...or come as ANY character! Show your school spirit by participating!
11 months ago, AP Winchester
"Twins" at MCSM
A big THANK YOU to all who contributed to our can drive, either by actually contributing or by encouraging your students to participate. The Stanley Isaacs Older Adult Center was blown away by the amount of donations we collected. Please know that everyone made a real difference. Thank you.
11 months ago, AP Winchester
students with cans for food drive
This Saturday's (11/18) mock English Regents exam has been cancelled. It will be rescheduled for a later date sometime soon. Your English teacher will let you know as soon as the new date is confirmed.
11 months ago, MCSM English