We understand that many families have been placed on the waitlist for MCSM admissions. Please be patient as we can only accept students in numerical order and are unable to select or change the waitlist numbers. Sorry we are unable to provide any additional information about specific enrollment requests. We wish everyone the best of luck on their high school journey!
¡La primavera está en el aire!
Todos están invitados a nuestro evento de lanzamiento de primavera el sábado 4 de mayo 12p.m.- 4 p.m.
¡Este evento es gratuito e incluye comida, bebidas, helado, baile y DIVERSIÓN!
También habrá un tanque de inmersión, palomitas de maíz y algodón de azúcar disponibles para su compra por una pequeña tarifa en beneficio de la Asociación de Padres y el Fondo de Becas “Love for Leo”.
Happy Valentine's Day to our entire MCSM family. We love you all, every day!
Good Morning to Remote Snow Day
Good Morning everyone,
Please check in with your teachers here on jupiter if you have any early morning questions, as there seems to be some technical issues with the DOE website and platforms. If you already have the zoom links and work continue to complete them. We are required to take attendance, so look out for google forms from your teachers to confirm your interactions for the day.
I will update you when the systems are back up and running.
Mr. Nicotri
As you may already been informed, tomorrow is a remote instructional day, in which all instruction will be occurring digitally. Please have your children use their electronic devices to complete the tasks on their google classrooms. If you have any questions please reach out to your child's teacher via jupitered.com. Please stay warm and safe tomorrow, we look forward to welcoming your children back Wednesday, February 14 at 8:20 a.m.
Principal Nicotri
Bilingual students visited the NY Transit Museum, where they boarded vintage cars, sat at the wheel of a city bus, experienced antique turnstiles, and explored exhibits that highlight the cultural, social and technological history of NYC mass transit.
Ms. Drmacich’s NYC History had the opportunity to go to the Museum of Modern Art on Friday, February 9th. Students walked through midtown and were able to have lunch/snacks before going to MOMA. Students were required to take selfies with artwork and share a short synopsis. Students saw paintings by Claude Monet, Vincent Van Gogh, Pablo Picasso, Gustav Klimt, Jackson Pollack, and Andy Warhol. Students also saw more abstract art ranging from paintings of just grey, sculptures made from cars parts or photos/videos of hotdogs.
Mr. Deutsch's Physics class doing some hands-on learning during class today!
MCSM PA will be holding a PA meeting on Tuesday February 6, 2024, at 6pm in the library and virtual. See events section for zoom link
Congratulations to our Lady Rams Girls' Varsity Basketball Team for defeating Democracy Prep 58 - 32 Friday, February 2nd. Go Lady Rams!
We would like to thank our parents, partners, staff, and students who participated in our workshop#3. Agradecemos a nuestros padres, socios, personal y estudiantes que participaron en nuestro Taller #3.
Taller interactivo # 3 para Familias de Habla Hispana! Estaremos hablando sobre las redes sociales y como mantener a nuestros hijos seguros en lineas. Están todos invitados
Jueves, 1 de febrero 5:30pm!
Join the MCSM Spelling Bee team today at PS83 (216 E 109th St.) from 4:30pm for the annual district 4 spelling bee! Students, staff, and families are all invited to come out and support!
Just a reminder that students do not attend school on Monday, January 29th due to Chancellor's Conference Day. All students must return on Tuesday, January 30th for the start of the Spring Term. Enjoy the long weekend!
Meet the MCSM spelling bee team! 🐝Led by Spelling Bee Coach, Champion and Science teacher, Mr. Brown at 4:30PM on January 30th at PS83/BBMS Campus this team will compete against students from a variety of schools in District 4. Spectators are welcome, so come out and show your support!
Congratulations to the members of our track team for the great job that they are doing during the indoor season. Special congratulations to the members of our 4x800 relay team...Benicio...Leo...Masaki... Liam for placing 2nd at the HBCU showcase, Mayor's Cup Relays at The Armory this Saturday.
Taller interactivo # 3 para Familias de Habla Hispana! Estaremos hablando sobre las redes sociales y como mantener a nuestros hijos seguros en lineas. Están todos invitados Feb. 1 5:30pm!
Today was Kick Off for Robotics! Every first Saturday in January, the new game is revealed. The students can now officially start building a new 125 pound robot for this linked game: https://youtu.be/9keeDyFxzY4?si=EjZ39Vg9eyvkVMbd
Follow the rambots instagram for updates! They have 2 months to build the robot before their first competition.
Dear MCSM Families,
Due to severe weather MCSM PA will be held virtually only. Tuesday January 9, 2024, please see info below.
Tuesday January 9, 2024 @6pm virtually only
6:00pm-Robin Real-Time Parenting Tips
6:45pm Children Aid Society-Sex & Dating in The Digital Era: What This Means for Our Youth
Topic: Zaida Santiago's Zoom Meeting
Time: Jan 9, 2024, 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 914 9136 8996
Passcode: 317758
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Meeting ID: 914 9136 8996
Passcode: 317758
Find your local number: zoom.us/u/aSBhxqyIB
Zaida Santiago
Parent Coordinator
Manhattan Center for Science and Math H.S.
212-876-4639 Ext. 1491
Happy New Year MCSM community!
The Parent Association is excited to share the new MCSM school merchandise website! https://mcsm2024.itemorder.com/shop/home/
The order deadline is SUNDAY, JANUARY 21st at Midnight for delivery by Mid-February. Items will be delivered to the main office for students to pick up in school. All tops can be personalized with your last name for an additional $10 fee. Take this opportunity to show your school spirit!
MCSM PA Steering Committee