no summer homework


MCSM Students work very hard during the year. We feel that their emotional well-being and time to rest is as important as academics. Therefore, we do not assign formal “summer homework.” We suggest that students take this time to relax, recharge, exercise, spend time with friends and family, pursue hobbies that they normally don’t have time for, etc.  Here are some other suggestions to ensure that students remain engaged and positively and intellectually occupied: The Sora app is a free DOE resource for e-books, and audio books. 

Brush up on subjects or prepare in advance with Khan Academy:  Khan Academy | Free Online Courses, Lessons & Practice

Prepare for upcoming AP courses:  Free Resources to Prepare for AP Exams - College Board Blog

Summer Activities for Teens:

Google Drive folder of AP Exam Study books and Guides that you can share:

All rising seniors should use the summer to visit colleges in person or virtually.

They should return to school with a complete balanced college list of safety, target and reach schools.

Brag sheet should be given in before this school year ends, and their recommendation request from teachers should be done both informally and formal via email before school year ends 

Enjoy a restful, safe and healthy summer! Students return to school on Thursday, September 5th, 2024.